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This is GodÕs Word to His Elect Don Fortner

(Tune: #497 — When I Can Read My Title Clear —CM)


1.    This is GodÕs word to His elect,

Who on His grace rely, —

ÒI will uphold and will protect,

And all your needs supply.


2.    I will in providence appear,

My faithfulness to prove;

And you shall find Me always near

The objects of My love.


3.    I will your countless sins forgive

And keep you day and night.

You shall upon my fulness live

And in your God delight.


4.    1 will complete what 1Õve begun,

My work IÕll not forsake,

Til youÕve the prize of glory won

And of My bliss partake!Ó







Don Fortner








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