The Gospel’s Law of Liberty—Don Fortner

(Tune: #414 – Am I a Soldier of the Cross? -- CM )


1.The gospel’s law of liberty Makes us rejoice and sing.

         Our ransomed souls, by grace set free Sing praise to Christ, our King.


2.Sweet, sweetest, liberty is this—A yoke easy and mild!

            Love’s burden, (Oh, how light it is!) Unknown but to a child.


3.The grace that brings eternal life Has broken Sinai’s yoke,

            And robes the church, Christ’s chosen wife, With garments white as snow.


4.Our beauty given, all divine, (Christ’s righteousness—God’s gift!)

Which cannot be marred by our sin, For glory makes us fit!


5.Free grace makes broken hearts rejoice! Our hearts, constrained by love,

Delight to hear our Husband’s voice, And walk with Him in love.