Don Fortner

(Tune: O God, Our Help In Ages Past  #10 CM)


 “Precious in the sight of the Lord

Is the death of His saints.”

Let all who hope upon His Word

Learn what this Scripture means.


Our Father, Who chose us in love

To dwell with Him in peace,

Will gather all His saints above

In perfect holiness.


Christ, Who redeemed us by His blood,

Prays that each chosen one

Be with Him and in heav’n behold

His glory fully shown.


The Holy Spirit, by Whose grace

We now believe in Christ,

Will not His work in our souls cease

`Til we’re at last with Christ.


When God in us His work completes

We shall be freed from sin,

All sickness, pain, and sorrow cease;

At death our life begins!


The true believer never dies

He only makes a move

From this poor, crumbling, house of clay

To that bright home above!