Don Fortner


I am one with Christ my Savior,

Joined to Him by faith alone:

Trusting Christ for full salvation,

I'm complete, the work's all done.



One with Jesus Christ my Savior,

One with God's own holy Son,

One with Christ I am accepted-

Holy as the holy One!


One with Christ by God's election,

I'm in Him the righteous Man:

One with Christ the dying Savior,

One with Him Who rose again.


All that Jesus did and suffered,

All He is in heav'n above,

All is mine by imputation,

All by sov'reign, saving love.


One with Christ, my hope of glory,

One with Him I am secure,

God will never, never leave me,

For this union must endure.


(Tune- Let the Lower lights be Burning)

Trochaic with Refrain 87.87.