Christ in You – The Hope of Glory — Don Fortner

(Tune: From Every Stormy Wind that Blows — LM)


1.    This is that saving better part, so dear to each believer's heart, —

Christ Jesus dwelling in the soul, the sov'reign Monarch of the whole.


2.    In sovÕreign, free, eternal love, He comes in mercy from above:

By His almighty, conquÕring grace, creates anew His ransomÕd race!


3.    The life of God within the soul (ŌChrist in you!Ķ) makes poor sinners whole;

Possessing now His holiness, Christ is my Hope. — In Him I rest.


4.    ŌChrist in youĶ means that all is well. — He shall in you forever dwell!

And does the Savior dwell in me? — Then I shall endless glory see!


5.    Blest hope of glory! O how bright, when Life immortalÕs brought to light!

The full fruition of my God! — RevealÕd and promisÕd in His Word.







Don Fortner



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