But for God’s Free and Sovereign Grace—Don Fortner

(Tune: Am I A Soldier of the Cross? #414 86.86)


1.      But for God’s free and sov’reign grace that stopped me in my way,

      A rebel lost, in madness, I would be unto this day.


2.      I never would have sought the Lord had He not sought me out.

      I would have run headlong to hell. Of that I have no doubt.


3.      In awe, amazed, I see God’s hand of grace that intervened

      And snatched me as a burning brand, though I blasphemed His name!


4.      A miracle of grace I am! Grace gave me life and faith

      In Christ, the Lord, my Savior, and grace keeps me ever safe!


5.      Now, for the glory of His grace, (Be this my life’s employ!),

To live for my Redeemer’s praise and serve His cause with joy.