Sermon #58                                                     Series: Matthew

            Title:                The Day The Sun Stood Still

            Text:                Matthew 20:29-34


            Subject:          The healing of the two blind men

            Date:               Tuesday Evening - September 26, 1995

            Tape #            R-79



            I read in the tenth chapter of Joshua how that he by whom the walls of Jericho fell, commanded the sun to stand still in the midst of heaven. At the command of a man “the sun stood still!” We are told, “There was no day like that before it or after it, that the Lord hearkened unto the voice of a man” (Josh. 10:14). But in our text this evening, we have a thing even more remarkable than that. Turn with me to Matthew 20:29-34. I want to preach to you tonight about The Day The Sun Stood Still. I am not going to talk to you about that created star of heaven that Joshua caused to stand still, but about Christ the Sun of Righteousness, who, as he was coming up out of Jericho on his way to Jerusalem to redeem his people, heard two blind beggars crying for mercy. At the sound of their cry, we are told, “Jesus stood still!” What a wonderful, amazing picture we have before us! Here is the omnipotent God stopped in his tracks, held fast by the cry of two needy souls for his mercy. He was on his way to Jerusalem to accomplish the redemption of his people, to fulfill the will of God. Nothing could stop him. Nothing could cause him to pause. Nothing could detour him from his work…


·        Not Herod!

·        Not satan!

·        Not the Pharisees!

·        Not his disciples!

·        Not even his own mother - “Wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?”


But two blind beggars crying for mercy, two helpless souls, looking to him for help, believing him, crying to him, stopped the Son of God in his tracks - “Jesus stood still!”


            Surely, the place whereon we stand tonight is holy ground. Let us put off our shoes and turn aside for a little while from the trifles of this world to see this great sight. Surely, there are lessons to be learned here that are of more value than gold.


Proposition: The Son of God will never ignore the cry or refuse the faith of a sinner seeking mercy.




            There were great multitudes who followed the Lord Jesus as he walked along and taught the people. Some for leaves and some for love - Some out of curiosity and some out of conviction - Some for greed and some for grace. But there were few, very few who believed on Christ. Many, many who saw his miracles yet believed him not. But here are two blind men. They never saw any of our Lord’s miracles. They knew him only by hear-say, by the testimony of others. Yet, they believed him.


A.  They simply heard other men and women talking about the Savior - “When they heard.” Blessed gossip!


1.      Perhaps they had heard how the Master had healed a blind man on his way into Jericho (Lk. 18:35-43).

2.      Without question, they had heard who he is.

·        “Jesus”

·        “Lord”

·        “Son of David”

3.      They heard about his mighty miracles of mercy.

4.      They heard that “Jesus passed by.” He might never pass their way again!


B. They believed him!


            Their faith puts us to shame! We have books of evidence, libraries of theology, volumes of biographies, yet, how little there is of this childlike confidence and faith in Christ. Even among true believers, simple, confident, unhesitating faith is found where we least expect it.


1.      The humble soul believes God and walks in peace.

2.      The learned, well-read theologian is harassed with doubts and questions.




            I know that God is sovereign. I know that salvation is of the Lord. I know that every chosen, redeemed sinner shall be saved. I am fully aware of these facts. And you are too. Yet, I know that every man is responsible for his own soul. I know that we are responsible to use the means of grace God gives us. When these two blind men heard that “Jesus passed by,” they were found “sitting by the way.”


            What wisdom they displayed! They took up a hopeful position “by the way.” There they would be likely to hear any good news that may be spread. There they were most likely to meet with and be seen by the compassionate. Though they were blind, they were not deaf. And they used what they had for good.


A. Do not forsake the house of God (Heb. 10:25).

B. Do not forsake the reading of Holy Scripture (2 Tim. 3:15).

C. Do not forsake private prayer.


            These are God’s ordained means of grace. To despise them is to despise his grace. To neglect them is to neglect his grace. To use them is to be in the path of mercy (Matt. 18:20).


III. Thirdly, we learn once more, by the example of these two blind men, that - AS “THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN SUFFERETH VIOLENCE,” SO “THE VIOLENT TAKE IT BY FORCE” (Matt. 11:12; vv. 30-31).


            I see four things here that exemplify what true prayer is. I do not claim to know much about prayer. But I am certain that these four things will always be found wherever true prayer is found:


A.  Faith - “Lord, thou Son of David.”

B. Humility - “Have mercy on us.”

C. Importunity

·        Luke 11

·        Genesis 32:26 - “I will not let Thee go, except Thou bless me!”

D. Perseverance - These two men needed mercy. They knew that Christ could give them the mercy they needed. They knew that they might never get this opportunity again. Consequently, the opposition they met with was hardly noticed by them.


IV. Fourthly, HOW COMPASSIONATE THE SON OF GOD IS TO NEEDY SINNERS! “So Jesus had compassion on them.” And his compassion is seen in what he did for them.


A.  “Jesus passed by!” - Prevenient grace! Blessed blindness!

B. “Jesus stood still!” He heard their prayer!

C. He called them! What a call!

D. He touched them! What a touch!




·        “Immediately their eyes received sight.”

·        “They followed him.”