Sermon # 191           Series: Isaiah


Title:  Righteousness, Mercy, and Judgment

Text:  Isaiah 55:1-12

Subject:  The Righteousness of Grace, The University of Mercy, And The Cause of Judgment

Date:   Sunday Evening – October 2, 1994

Tape # :  Q-51




Isaiah 56 is a prophecy of the conversion of God’s elect among the Gentiles and their entrance into the church and kingdom of God in this gospel age, as the result of Christ’s coming and establishing righteousness in the earth by his obedience to God as our Substitute.  In these twelve verses of inspiration, the Lord God speaks to us by his prophet about three things – Righteousness, Mercy, and Judgment.  That is what I want to talk to you about now – The righteousness of God’s grace – The Universality of His Mercy – And the Cause of His Judgment.


I.  The first thing revealed in verses 1 and 2 is the fact that The Grace of God Revealed In The Gospel of Christ Promotes Righteousness and Never Hinders It.


When our Lord Jesus preached absolute salvation by free grace alone, the religious people of the day said, “He is a devil!”  When the apostle Paul preached salvation by grace alone, without the works of the law, the Judaizers of his day denounced him as a promoter of licentiousness.  The accused him of preaching, “Let us sin that grace may abound,” Though they knew he never implied or said such a thing.  And today, any man who preaches free, unconditional, immutable salvation to sinners in Christ, by grace alone, is accused by those who hate the doctrine of free grace of being an antinomian, a promoter of licentiousness.  In these first two verses of Isaiah 56, God says, “That is not so.”  The Grace of God revealed in the gospel of Christ promotes righteousness.  It does not hinder it.  In these verses God commanded his people to obey that which was written in the law, both regarding the worship of God and the honor of man.  The basis of his command was this – “For my salvation is near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed.”


A.  God’s intentions of grace in the gospel, typified in all the ceremonies of the law and in all the deliverances of Israel were announced as being near at hand.


The text is talking about the coming of Christ to redeem and save his people.  Though it was several hundred years away.  God said, it was “near to come,” because he sees things from the perspective of eternity.  And he wants his people ever to live in immediate anticipation of his promise.  NOTICE:


  1. The Salvation Revealed in the Gospel is His Salvation.
  2. The Salvation Proclaimed in the Gospel is The Revelation of God’s Righteousness.  (Rom. 3:24-26) – “A just God and a Savior.”
  3. God’s Salvation is a Person, The Lord Jesus Christ! (Lk. 2:29-30).
  4. The Saints of God in the Old Testament saw salvation as something coming, and in a sense we do too (Rom. 13:11.


B.  In Essence, Our God Here Demands Three Things of All Who Come To Him And Worship Him.


  1. “Keep ye judgment and do justice” – That is to say, Live Honestly!
  2. “Keep the Sabbath Day” That is to say, Trust Christ alone as your Savior! 
  3. “Keep your hand from doing evil” – That is to say, Avoid Evil! 


“All works of righteousness required by the Lord, though not to be depended upon for justification in his sight, are to be regarded as fruits and evidences of faith and repentance.” Gill


The surest way to promote righteousness is to preach of free grace ( Tit. 3:5-8).  Grace teaches righteousness (Tit. 2:11-12).  And grace produces righteousness (Gal 5:22-23; Eph. 2:8-10).  Free grace is not a mask for sin – Legality is!


II.  Secondly, our text demonstrates the fact that God’s Mercy Was Never Limited To One Race or Nation.  But Is Universal In It’s Scope – (vv. 3-8).


The Israel of God is made up of all God’s elect, all who worship God, the whole church and kingdom of God, made up of men and women out of every nation, kindred, tribe, and tongue.


It is promised in these verses that strangers and eunuchs, being called by the grace of God shall be brought into the house of God.  His house, his temple, in these days of spiritual worship was to be a spiritual house, not a house of sacrifice, but “a house of prayer for all people.”  We who believe, who trust Christ, are his house (Heb. 3:6; 9:8).


A.  Here the Lord God promises all who come to him all the blessedness of everlasting salvation – (v. 5).


Come to God now, by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and God himself promises to give you.



B.  Here is a Description of All True Believers – (vv. 4, 6).


  1. They keep the Sabbath – Trust Christ!
  1. They choose these things that please the Lord – the aim, design and intent of the believer’s  heart is to please God!  Faith- Holiness, Love – Mercy.
  2. They take hold of God’s Covenant (II Sam. 23:1-5; Ps. 89).
  3. They join themselves to the Lord, forsaking other gods (II Cor. 6:17). – Baptism!
  4. They serve him – Bondslaves!
  5. They love the name of the Lord!
  6. They love to be his servants!


C.  In verse 7, The Lord God Promises Three More Things to All Who Trust Him.


  1. Assistance – “I will bring.”
  2. Assurance – “Make Them Joyful!”
  3. Acceptance – “Offerings and Sacrifices Accepted on My Altar – Christ is Our Altar!


D.  In verse 8, The Lord Assures Us That All His Elect Shall Be Saved.



III.  In verses 9-12, Isaiah seems to change subjects altogether.  He has been talking about grace, and mercy, and salvation.  Now he turns to talk about judgment.  But he is not changing his subject at all.  He is simply giving us this very sober third word of instruction.   Mercy and Grace Despised and Abused Will Bring The Judgment of God Upon Any People.



These beasts (v. 9) called by God into the professed church are cursed dogs (male prostitutes – Phil. 3:2; Deut. 23:18) vicious intruders, whom God sends to destroy those who will not receive his word and his truth.  Isaiah here tells us seven things about these beasts who are supposed to be watchmen in Zion.


  1. They are Blind.
  2. They are Ignorant.
  3. They are useless – “Dumb Dogs”
  4. They are Lazy – “Dreaming, Talking in Their Sheep!”
  5. They are Greedy.
  6. They are Self-serving.
  7. They are Devouring Beasts.


Application:  II Corinthians 6:1