Sermon #6                                                               Series: Isaiah


          Title:        The Mouth Of the Lord Hath Spoken It!

          Text:        Isaiah 1:20

          Subject:  The Infallibility and Authority of the Word of God

          Date:      Sunday Evening - April 16, 1989

          Tape #




          My text tonight is the title of my message The Mouth Of the Lord Hath Spoken It!  The sermon Isaiah preached was not his, but the Lord’s.  The people heard his voice.  But it was God who spoke.  The lips that delivered the message were Isaiah’s.  But the words spoken and the message delivered were God’s.  The prophet of God spoke with boldness, confidence, dogmatism, and authority because he knew that the message he preached was indeed the word of God.  What did he preach to those who heard this voice?


1.   The Total Depravity of Man (vv. 2-8).

2.   The Unconditional Election of Grace (v. 9).

3.   The Utter Uselessness of Religion without Christ (vv. 10-15).

4.   The Impossibility of Self-salvation (vv. 16-17).

5.   The Free Grace of God to Helpless Sinners in Christ (vv. 18-20).


          When he had finished preaching, when he had delivered his message, he said, “The mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.”  He had delivered the burden of the word of the Lord.  He had delivered his soul.  Having done his work, he laid this terrible weight of responsibility upon the hearts of those who heard him:  “The mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.”


Proposition:  That which God has spoken you and I are responsible to believe and obey.


Divisions:  This text, “The mouth of the Lord hath spoken it” . . .


1.   Declares the infallibility of Holy Scripture.

2.   Gives authority to the gospel we preach.

3.   Is the basis of our appeal to sinners.

4.   Sets forth the urgency of our message.

5.   Is the foundation of our faith.


I.      This text DECLARES THE INFALLIBILITY OF HOLY SCRIPTURE - The mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.”


          All scripture, being inspired by God the Holy Spirit, is the infallible record and inerrant revelation of that which has been spoken by the mouth of the Lord (II Tim. 3:16-17; II Pet. 1:21).


A.  This book, the Old and New Testaments, the Bible has a unique dignity, for this book alone is the word of God.


          This book alone is infallibly inspired by God, written by men who were, as they penned the words, were infallibly directed by the Spirit of God to record exactly what he wrote.


1.   This book alone has God for its author.

2.   This book alone has truth for its matter.

3.   This book alone is able to make you wise unto salvation.

4.   This book alone reveals the person, work, and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.


B. The word of God, that which God has spoken, contains nothing but that which is absolute and certain.


          “The word of our God shall stand forever” (Isa. 40:8).  The opinions of men come and go.  Science, as they call it, varies from age to age.  Philosophies change year by year.  But that which God has spoken in his word is immutable, unalterable, and fixed forever.


                             He is the Lord, extremely good,

                             His mercy is forever sure;

                             His truth which always firmly stood,

                             To endless ages shall endure.

          I have been told many times that my doctrine is out of date.  That I need to get more learned, more advanced views.  My response is this - “When God’s truth changes, I will change.  When God updates his word, I will update my doctrine.”


          Only those who walk in the “old paths” walk in the truth (Jer. 6:16).


C. And the word of God is attended with almighty power.


          “Where the word of the king is, there is power.”  And where the word of God is there is omnipotent power (Heb. 4:12; Rom. 1:16).


          This word, which by the gospel is preached unto you, is the instrument of . . .


·        Life (James 1:18; I pet. 1:23-25).

·        Faith (Rom. 10:17).

·        And Spiritual Direction (Ps. 119:105).


          The word of God is, by the effectual power of God the Holy Spirit, the cause of our hope and the source of our comfort (Ps. 119:49-50).


          Note:  Power attends the word of God - not our opinions - comments - or explanations of the word.


          Note:  This is our doctrine of inspiration - “The mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.”  That is a declaration of the infallibility of holy scripture.


·        Reverence the word as the word of God.

·        Read it prayerfully.

·        Believe it implicitly.

·        Proclaim it boldly.


II.   Our text, “The mouth of the Lord hath spoken it,” GIVES AUTHORITY TO THE GOSPEL WE PREACH.

          The word of Isaiah is nothing.  The word of Paul is nothing.

And my word is nothing.  But like Isaiah and Paul, I come to you in the name of God with the word of God.  And that is something.  I come to you with “thus saith the Lord.”  Therefore -


·        I stand before you with fear and trembling, lest I mar God’s message.

·        I preach to you with plainness and simplicity, lest I altar the impact of God’s message.

·        I must preach to you with absolute fidelity, lest I be found guilty of treason against my God.


            Illustration:  The King’s Ambassador


·        But, because I preach to you that which God has spoken, I preach with the utmost boldness, confidence, and courage - If I spoke my own words, I might speak with modesty, apologetically, and timidly.  But if I have God’s word to deliver, I must bow to no authority but the authority of God’s throne.


          I do not preach the gospel by your permission, ask for your patience, or seek your approval.  I grant, I am extremely dogmatic.  But faithfulness demands dogmation, when “the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.”  If God has spoken, controversy is over.  There is no room for human opinion.


A.  I know what God has sent me to preach, and I am heaven bound, if I speak in God’s name, to preach it.


          God has sent me to preach the gospel of his dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ (I Cor. 9:16).


·        Ruin by the Fall.

·        Redemption by the Blood.

·        Regeneration by the Holy Spirit.


B. It is my responsibility to deliver God’s message with perseverance and patient faith.

·        God will honor his word (Isa. 55:11).

·        Nothing is of value in the building of God’s kingdom but gospel preaching (I Cor. 3:11-15).


C. It is your responsibility to receive the word of God as the word of God and obey it (Pro. 1:23-33).


          God will not trifle with those who trifle with his word.  He will hold you accountable for what you hear or have an opportunity to hear.


III. This text is THE BASIS OF OUR APPEAL TO SINNERS - “The mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.”


          I do not appeal to you upon the basis of human reason, human experience, or human learning.  I come to you with the bare record of Holy Scripture.  In the name of God, for the sake of your immortal soul, and for the glory of Christ I demand in God’s name that you bow to the word of God (I John 5:10-13).


·        Believe the record God has given about you.

·        Believe the record God has given of his Son.

·        Believe the record God has given about salvation.

·        Trust the Lord Jesus Christ.


IV. Our text  SETS FORTH THE URGENCY OF OUR MESSAGE - “The mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.”


          If ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured.”  Do not let Satan deceive you.


A.  God is not too good to punish sin - He is too good not to punish sin.

B. Your righteousness will not save you from the wrath of God.

C. Religion cannot save you from the sword of justice.


            Illustration:  Joab - (II Kings 2)


D. God has never failed to execute any threat of justice in the past.


V.  This text is THE FOUNDATION OF OUR FAITH - “The mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.”


·        Forgiveness!

·        “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee!”

·        Faithfulness!

·        Preservation!

·        Goodness and Mercy!

·        Eternal Life in Heaven!