Text: Acts 20:28
Date: Tuesday Evening - November 15, 1988
Tape #
When John the Baptist cried, “Behold, the Lamb of God which taketh away
the sin of the world,” and two of his disciples left him to follow the Lord
Jesus Christ, something new began. Something began on that day that had never
been experienced in the world before. An entirely new bond was introduced into
the world, a bond of love to Christ and to one another in him. And that new
bond of love is called “the church of God.” I know that the church, in its
universal aspect, includes all the saints of God, those of the Old Testament as
well as those of the New. But in the Old Testament, God’s church was a
national, political body. It was a physical family, made up of men, women, and
children with a flesh and blood kinship. The church of the Old Testament was
made up of Jews only, the physical seed of Abraham, and proselytized Gentiles,
Gentiles who were circumcised and brought into Judaism. But a spiritual society
of believers, a society in which the only bond holding its members together is
their relationship to their Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, was a totally new
thing in John’s day.
This society of believers, united to
one another and to Christ by love and faith in him, is the church of the New
Testament. Our English word “church” means “assembly”, or “congregation”. The
Greek word from which it is translated is derived from a word which means “that
which belongs to the Lord.” The church of God in this world might truly be
called “a divine society”. It is the society of God’s elect. This divine
society began with our Lord’s earthly ministry. It is built upon the apostolic
confession and witness of Christ’s life as our Representative, death as our
Substitute, resurrection as our great High Priest, and ascension and exaltation
as our Lord and King. On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit fell upon this
divine society, the church of God, filling it with the power of God and
sanctifying it as God’s kingdom in this world.
Proposition: It is of utmost
importance that every child of God know the purpose and value of the church of
God in this world and commit himself to it.
The text which I have selected for
tonight is taken from the Book of Acts. And one great purpose of the Acts is to
show us how that God works in this world through his church. The Book of Acts
is the inspired record of the progress of the church during its first thirty
years of existence in this world. The most prominent figure in the church
during those first thirty years was the Apostle Paul. And it is this man, Paul,
who is speaking in our text. He is giving a solemn charge to the elders at
Ephesus, regarding their responsibilities as the servants of God. He says, “Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to
all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed
the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.”
I want to raise and answer six very
practical questions about “the church of God.’
What is the
church of God?
What is the
purpose of the church?
How is the
church to be governed?
How do people
unite with and join the church?
What does
church membership involve?
Why should I join
the church of God?
It cannot be denied that the word “church” is used in at
least three ways in the New Testament.
It is used to
describe all true believers of all ages, both those of the Old Testament and
those of the New, both those on the earth and those in heaven. This is what we
call the Universal Church. It is the mystical, spiritual body of Christ and the
Bride of Christ. It is that spiritual body of which Jesus Christ is the Head
(Eph. 1:22; 5:25-27).
The word “church”
is also used to describe local, visible assemblies of professed believers in a
given place. In every local church there are both believers and unbelievers,
wheat and tares, sheep and goats, true possessors of faith and false professors
of faith. Every local church has in its membership both the true and the false.
But, still, every local assembly of men and women who profess faith in Christ
and the gospel of his grace is set forth as a local church, and is called “the
church of God” (Rom. 16:1-5).
And the word
“church” is used to describe all true gospel churches at any given time in the
world. Obviously, I do not mean to suggest that the church of God is made up of
all churches and denominations. But it does include all true New Testament
churches at any given time in the world. We are one in Christ, one in purpose,
one in heart, and one in desire. All true gospel churches are one in this world
(1 Cor. 10:32; 12:28).
In Acts 20:28, Paul is addressing the
elders of a particular local assembly at Ephesus, or perhaps elders from
several local assemblies in the Ephesus area. But the words “the church of God”
in this text have reference to the local church. And Paul tells us three things
about the church of God which are true of every local, gospel church.
A. The church
belongs to God.
Grace Baptist Church is “the church of God” at Danville,
Kentucky. I am not talking about the building in which we meet, but about the
people who meet here. We are “the church of God”. This church does not belong
to the Baptist denomination, or to me, or to you. It belongs to God
exclusively. We are God’s people and God’s property.
God chose us
to be his people in sovereign election before the world began (2 Thess. 2:13).
God redeemed
us to himself by the precious blood of his dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ
(Tit. 2:14).
And God called
us to himself by the irresistible power and grace of his Spirit, creating
spiritual life within us and giving us faith in Christ (Col. 1:12-14).
These things are true of all true believers. And, though there are
unbelievers among us, we all profess to be believers, so they are true of us
collectively as a local church. This is the church of God. Let all beware. He
that harms God’s church touches the apple of God’s eye!
B. The church of
God is a flock of sheep.
It is called “the
flock of God”, because it is made up of Christ’s sheep. “A church of Christ
is compared to a flock of sheep, being in Gospel order, folded together and
feeding in the same pasture, attending the Word and ordinances, under the care
of shepherds appointed by Christ the chief Shepherd” - (John Gill).
Before we were
converted, we were as sheep going astray from our God and Savior (Isa. 53:6).
conversion, God’s people are compared to sheep, because they are meek,
inoffensive, patient, and totally dependent upon Christ, who is our Shepherd.
And sheep are
far from being perfect, ideal creatures.
Sheep are silly, ignorant, helpless,
defenseless, straying, dirty, needy animals, who cannot even bear their young
alone. Therefore, they need and must have shepherds, pastors, to care for them.
And it is the pastor’s responsibility to feed the sheep with knowledge and
understanding, protect the sheep with his very life, lead the sheep by going
before them, comfort the sheep with the gospel, help the sheep in trouble, and
sometimes to gently carry the sheep in loving arms. But it is never his
responsibility to discipline and chasten the sheep. The Chief Shepherd alone
has the ability to do that! We cannot distinguish sheep from goats, only the
Shepherd - Tares from wheat.
C. The church of
God was purchased by the blood of Christ who is God.
Paul describes the church as being “the church of God which he hath purchased with his own blood.”
The Purchaser
of the church is God himself.
The price of
the purchase was “his own blood.”
The purchase
was made by the legal payment of our debt, the satisfaction of justice, to
ransom our souls from the hands of divine justice and the penalty of the law.
It was a
particular purchase. Christ purchased his church. All of God’s elect, the
chosen members of this church, were purchased by Christ.
It was a
complete purchase. “It is finished!”
It was an
effectual purchase (Eph. 5:25-27).
Why did our Lord establish his church in this world? Why did
the apostles gather believers into local churches in every city? What is the
purpose of our existence as a local church? In 1 Timothy 3:15-16, the apostle
Paul tells us that the church is “the
pillar and ground of the truth.” We are not the source of truth. But we are
the pillar and ground of the truth. It is our responsibility to preserve the
truth, promote the truth, and proclaim the truth of God in the generation in
which we live. Truth is the legacy we have received from the preceding
generation. And truth is the legacy we must leave to the generation to come.
And that particular body of truth, which we are responsible to maintain, is the
gospel of Christ. Our creed is “Christ
and him crucified.” The truth we maintain and declare is the great “mystery of godliness”, redemption by
Christ, the incarnate God. We must never lose sight of our purpose!
Who is Jesus
Christ? God incarnate!
Why did the
Son of God come into this world? To save sinners!
What did Jesus
Christ do? He accomplished redemption!
How did he do
it? By the satisfaction of divine justice!
Why did he do
it? For the glory of God!
Where is he
now? In heaven! On his throne!
What is Christ
doing today in heaven? Making intercession for the transgressors - Ruling the
world - Saving his people.
At first, the church was under the direct government of
Christ himself. Then it was governed by the Apostles of our Lord. They
appointed deacons to relieve them of the mundane duties of watching over
matters of money, property, and the care of widows. As the Apostles died out,
the pastors they had appointed in different places had the responsibility of
being overseers of the churches. Sometimes the pastor is called “elder”, and
sometimes “bishop” in the New Testament. But wherever you read the words
“elder”, “bishop”, and “pastor” in the New Testament, the men mentioned are the
same, they are pastors, undershepherds to Christ, overseers of the church,
spiritual rulers in the house of God.
The church of God is not a political
body, or a business corporation, or a social club or organization, to be ruled
by the democratic vote of the people or the whims of men. The commonly accepted
practice of congregational rule among Baptist churches in this country is
totally without foundation in the Word of God. The church of God is a kingdom,
under the rule of Christ. It is governed by Christ’s appointed pastors, through
the Word of God, as they are taught and led by the Spirit of God (Heb. 13:7, 17).
A. It is the
pastor’s responsibility to rule in the house of God (1 Tim. 3:1-7).
He does not rule by bullish force, or
intimidation, or legislative power. But he does rule!
The pastor
rules the house of God by the Word of God.
He rules by
his own example of faith and faithfulness.
As God’s
overseer, he rules the church in love, love for Christ, love for the truth, and
love for the people of God.
The pastor
must rule the house of God as he is led by the Holy Spirit, for the glory of
I know that giving one man such power over so many can be a
very dangerous thing, if that man is not himself ruled by the Spirit of Christ.
Many have suffered greatly by the abuse of pastoral authority. But the answer
to the problem of abuse is not to restrict the pastoral office, but rather to
seek the direction of the Holy Spirit in choosing a pastor, carefully following
the guidelines of Holy Scripture, and pray for God’s mercy and grace to abide
upon, preserve, and keep your pastor in the way of truth, faith, and righteousness.
When a local
church is ruled by the voice of the people, there is no limit to the evil that
may be done.
In the Word of God, I find four
places, only four, where the course of action for God’s people was decided and
determined by the congregation. The results are a commentary on the subject of
congregational rule.
In Exodus
32:1-6, the children of Israel are seen dancing naked around the golden calves.
In Numbers
16:1-4, they tried to kill God’s prophet, Moses.
In 1
Chronicles 13:1-14, the Lord made a breach upon the people, because they
defiled the ark of God.
In Acts
1:15-26, the church chose an apostle God had not ordained.
The axiom of democracy is “the people
are always right.” But in spiritual matters the people are always wrong. The
majority almost never rules according to the mind of God.
B. It is the
responsibility of God’s church to follow and obey that man who rules over it as
pastor by the will of God.
Again I emphasize the importance of exercising great care in
calling a pastor. Get to know all you possibly can about him. Make certain that
he measures up to the requirements laid down in Holy Scripture. If he does not
measure up, no matter how well he can preach, no matter how likable he appears
to be, do not call him as pastor. Once a man has been called as pastor, the
church has placed herself under his rule. If he is God’s man, it will be a
blessed relationship. If he is not, it will be disaster.
It is your
responsibility to yield a voluntary subjection and obedience to your pastor as
God’s messenger to your soul.
It is an
obedience based upon love and trust.
If you are not
happy with your pastor, if you have reason to question his ability to
faithfully watch over your soul, you can do one of two things.
You can ask
God to remove him, and wait for him to do it.
Or, you can
quietly remove yourself from his rule.
Illustration: Roy Bransom
In either case, you had better be very sure of what your are doing. But do
not ever dare to assume that it is your responsibility to remove your pastor!
A person is united with the church universal when he is
united with Christ by faith. But a local church must be joined by some public
act. I know that some people think church membership is insignificant. And
there are some who place too much importance upon it, making church membership
a basis of hope before God. But in the New Testament, believers did publicly
unite with one another in local churches (Acts 9:26-27; Rom. 16:1-2).
A. A local church
is an assembly, or congregation, of believing men and women, united to Christ
and one another in love.
A local church is a society of saved sinners, knit together
by the Spirit of God. According to the pattern laid down in Acts 2, four things
are necessary for membership in the church of God.
You must hear
Christ preached (vv. 14-40).
You must
believe the gospel (v. 41).
You must
confess Christ in baptism (v. 41).
You must be
compelled by Christ, by the direction of his Spirit, to unite with his people.
You must make a public identification with and commitment to the people of God.
B. Every local
church, if it is truly the church of God, is a habitation of God through the
Spirit (Eph. 220-22; 1 Cor.
The church is more than a mere unit of
men. It is a union of hearts. It is more than a bare uniformity of doctrine,
though that is important. It is a union of spiritual life (Eph. 4:1-7).
We are “one
body”, united to Christ our Head.
We are made to
live by and in “one Spirit”.
We all have
“one hope”. Our hope is Christ our Substitute.
We all submit
to “one Lord”, our crucified and exalted Redeemer.
We all live by
“one faith”, the faith of Christ who loved us and gave himself for us.
The Object of
our faith is One - Christ.
The doctrine
of our faith is one - The gospel.
The goal of
our faith is one - The glory of God.
We have all
been buried with Christ by “one baptism” into his death.
We all worship
“one God”, who is the Father of us all.
Those are the things that characterize
the church of God. If those things describe us, we are “the church of God”. If
they do not, we are just another religious club, with a name that we live, but
are dead!
It is one thing to have your name on a church role, but it
is something else to be a member of the church of God. Church membership is an
alliance of hearts to one another in Christ. It is a voluntary commitment of
love, a loving commitment to Christ and to one another for Christ’s sake. To
unite with the church of God is to make a public commitment to the worship of
Christ, the gospel of Christ, and the church of Christ.
A. We are
committed to the worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We come together to read his Word, sing his praise, observe
his ordinances, call upon his name, and be instructed in his gospel (Acts
B. We are
committed to the gospel of Christ.
We are united together for the defense of the gospel and for
the furtherance of the gospel. For this reason, we assemble to hear the Word,
give to publish the Word, and go forth to proclaim the Word.
Together you
support one man to give himself to the ministry of the Word, so that he may
feed your souls with knowledge and understanding (Jer. 3:15).
Together we
help supply the needs of pastors, missionaries, and evangelists around the
world, so that they may publish the gospel without distraction by carnal cares.
Together we
supply hundreds with tracts, tapes, and books, so that they might know the
gospel and worship our God.
C. And we are
committed to the church of Christ.
We are committed to one another for Christ’s sake. If we are
the church of God, our hearts are devoted to one another in love (Phil. 2:1-4).
God’s people…
Love each
Pray for each
Encourage each
Forgive each
Perhaps you have been debating the matter of church
membership in your mind. You may be looking for biblical reasons to join the
church of God. I could give you numerous reasons from the Scriptures why you
should unite with a local New Testament church. But I will give you just one.
If you are a believer, if you trust Christ, if you are born again by the grace
of God, here is one reason why you should unite with the church of God - You
need us!
You need the
regular ministry of the gospel.
You need the
fellowship of God’s family.
You need the
help, strength, and encouragement of your brethren (Heb. 10:24-25).
The church of God is neither more nor less than an assembly
of men and women whose hearts are united together in the faith of the gospel,
the fellowship of the Spirit, and the love of Christ. We have all that any
church should have…
We have a
priesthood - The priesthood of every believer in Christ.
We have a
sacrifice - The blood of Jesus Christ.
We observe a
law - The law of Christ our Head, the law of faith and love.
We confess a
creed - The Word of God, the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
We proclaim a
message - Jesus Christ and him crucified.
We have a
program with activities for every age - Prayer, praise, and preaching!
We have goals
for which we strive earnestly…