Sermon #978 Miscellaneous
Title: The Second Time
Text: Acts
Subject: The way Christ reveals himself to some of
his elect.
Date: Sunday Morning -
Tape #
You know the story of Joseph and his brothers. Because
of their envy and malice Joseph’s brothers sold him into bondage. Joseph was
despised and rejected by his own kinsmen. But God was with him. And, in due
time, the Lord exalted Joseph to the throne of
In all
of this, Joseph was a type of our Lord Jesus Christ. As Joseph was brought by
the hand of God’s providence, through the malice of wicked men, to be ruler in
Egypt, to save the lives of God’s elect nation, Israel, so the Lord Jesus
Christ has, by his crucifixion at the hands of wicked men, been exalted to the
right hand of the majesty on High to give eternal life to as many as God the
Father has given him. Christ is King over all things to give eternal life to
God’s elect (John 17:2).
Joseph was a type of Christ, so also his dealings with his brothers were
typical, in many ways, of our Lord’s gracious dealings with his people in
saving mercy. In our text, Stephen tells us, “And the second time Joseph was
made known to his brethren.” This did not happen, you will remember, the first
time Joseph’s brothers came before him. Joseph knew them then, but they did not
recognize Joseph. He hid himself from them. He filled their sacks with corn,
gave them provision for their journey, and sent them home with great care. But
the first time his brothers came before him in
is, I am sure, clear picture of the way the Lord Jesus Christ frequently deals
with sinners. This is the way our Savior has dealt with many of us. Many of
God’s saints did not find Christ the first time they sought him. It is not true
of all, but for many of us, seeking the lord and obtaining mercy for our souls
was a painful and difficult struggle. The path to mercy is often a rough road.
Perhaps there are some here today like Joseph’s brothers. In some way or other,
you have sought Christ. But you have not found him. I urge
you to seek him again, in the way he has prescribed. It may be that at the
second time the Lord Jesus will make himself known to you.
on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Salvation really is that
simple and that profound. To believe on Christ is simply to trust him. It is to
trust his great sin-atoning sacrifice. It is to trust him who stood in the
place of sinners before the holy Lord God and died under the wrath of God as
the sinners’ Substitute. Christ died, bearing the sins of his people in his own
body on the tree, satisfying the righteousness and justice of almighty God so
that we might never die. We tend to think that anyone who has heard the gospel
message often readily understands it. But that is not the case. There are some
of you here today who are yet in darkness. The light shines upon you. But you
are blind. You have heard with the hearing of the ear for many years. But you
have never yet heard the gospel. God has not yet spoken peace to your hearts.
Perhaps you have come here today seeking Christ. Maybe you have been seeking
him for some time. It may be that others look upon you as a model of real
faith. But in your heart you know that, though you seek him, you have not found
him. May this be the hour when the lord Jesus will make himself known to you.
May God now be pleased to reveal his Son in you by the power of his spirit.
I know
this: All who seek Christ with all their hearts shall find him. But I know this
also: You will not likely find him as soon as you begin to seek him (Jer.
I want
to show you four things this morning about Joseph and his brothers, which will help
us to understand the way Christ reveals himself to his own elect.
1. Though Joseph’s brothers did not know him, he knew
2. There were reasons why Joseph did not make himself
known to his brothers the first time they came to him.
3. The only hope these men had of life was Joseph, so
they came to him a second time.
4. When Joseph’s brothers came to him the second time,
Joseph made himself known to them.
This is
the first thing I want you to see. Joseph knew his brothers, though they were
totally ignorant of him. He knew who they were. He knew all that they had done.
He knew the dreadful condition they were in. He knew what they needed. And he
knew how to best supply their needs. They looked only to the present. He looked
to the future. They only knew that the man before whom they stood had their
lives in his hands. But he knew what he had in his heart for them.
Joseph loved his brothers, though they had no love for him.
He supplied their
He devised a plan
by which he would bring them all to himself.
The plan involved
great pain; but it was the best things possible for his brothers.
There is an unmistakable parallel between Joseph and Christ in this regard.
we knew him not, our Lord Jesus Christ knew us. Though we loved him not, he
loved us. And because of his great love for us, the Son of God devised a great
plan by which he would secure our everlasting good. He redeemed us with his own
precious blood. And he rules the world according to his wise and gracious plan
of redemption on our behalf.
All the days of
our lives, he protected us.
Throughout the
days of our rebellion against him, he provided for us.
Our great Lord
graciously and wisely arranged all the affairs of providence to bring us to
II. There were reasons why Joseph did not make himself
known to his brothers the first time they came to him.
In his wise, adorable providence, our
Lord uses all things to bring his elect to himself in saving faith. But
salvation does not come until Christ is revealed in a sinner’s heart by the
gospel. The question is often asked, “When is a person saved?” I know that in a
sense all of God’s elect were saved in eternity, in the purpose of God (Rom.
It pleases God to
save him (Gal.
He hears and
believes the gospel of Christ (1 Cor.
He is called,
born again by the Spirit of God (1 Cor.
He begins to seek
the Lord with all his heart (Jer. 24:7).
Christ is
revealed in his heart by the Spirit of God through the gospel (Gal.
Many of
you, in fact, most of you have had some experience in false religion. God has
graciously brought you out of free-willism, fundamentalism, decisionism, and
easy-believism. You once hoped for salvation and acceptance with God on the
basis of something you had done, felt, or experienced. Your hope was your
decision, or your works. You honestly sought the Lord. You knew something of
your need of him. And you walked in the light God had given you at that time.
Like Joseph’s brothers, you did the only thing you knew to do. But just as
those men did not know Joseph, you did not know Christ until he revealed
himself to you in his true character. I stress this point because it is needful
for you to see false, free-will, works religion for what it is, and renounce
The Apostle Paul Doug &
Karen Weaver
Bobbie Estes Mark
Merle Hart Ken
Henry Mahan
men who went down into
Joseph did not reveal himself to his brothers because they were ignorant of
him. They did not know who he was.
My friends, as long as a sinner remains ignorant of
Christ, he cannot have saving faith in Christ. You cannot trust an unknown
Savior, anymore than the Athenians could worship an unknown god (Acts
is essential to saving faith! Knowledge is not faith. And you can have
knowledge without faith. But you cannot have faith without knowledge. You must
know Christ! How can you trust him whom you do not know?
1. You must know his Person - The God-man.
2. You must know his performance - Redemption.
3. You must know his position - Sovereign Lord.
4. You must know his power - He is able to save (Heb.
Joseph’s brothers did not know him the first time they came to him because they
really did not want to know him.
They were not interested in Joseph. They were only
interested in corn. They did not want to die. They came to Joseph, not because
they wanted him, but because they wanted what he alone could give them. That is
just the reason why many of you have not yet found Christ. You are only
interested in what Christ has, what Christ can give, and what Christ can do.
Most people, though they may not be in agreement with the preachers of our
day, have the religion of our day. Theirs is a religion based upon health,
wealth, and happiness.
You want peace,
but not the Prince.
You want
forgiveness, but not the Forgiver.
You want mercy,
but not the Master.
You want
salvation, but not the Savior.
You want the
sacrifice that will bring you to God in grace, but not the Sovereign to rule
over you for God’s glory.
You want
cleansing, but not Christ.
friend, Christ will never be revealed in you until you are made to cry from
your heart,
“Thou, O Christ, art all I want,
More than all in Thee I find.”
It is true, I want all the blessings of salvation; but
I want the blessed knowledge of my Savior more.
The relationship of a husband and his wife is built not upon what they can
do for each other, but upon their love for one another.
“Gracious Lord, incline Thine ear,
My request vouchsafe to hear;
Hear my never ceasing cry -
‘Give me Christ, or else I die!’
Wealth and honor I disdain,
Earthly comforts all are vain:
These can never satisfy,
‘Give me Christ, or else I die.’”
Joseph did not reveal himself to his brothers the first time they came because
they came without any real conviction and confession of their guilt.
Before Joseph would reveal himself to his brothers, he has determined to make them
know, feel, and confess their guilt (Gen. 42:21-24).
will not reveal himself to a sinner until the sinner is made to know, feel, and
confess his guilt and sin. Conviction and repentance are necessary before there
can be any comforting knowledge and assurance of God’s saving grace in Christ
(Ps. 32:1-5; 1 John 1:9).
Joseph did not make himself known to his brothers the first time they came to
him because they did not all come to him.
You remember, they left
Benjamin at home. And Joseph would not reveal himself to them until they
brought Benjamin to him.
there are many who seek Christ, but never find him, because they are not
willing to bring their Benjamin to him. They do not seek him with their whole
heart. You will never obtain mercy until you bring your darling Benjamin to the
throne of King Jesus, and give him up (Lk.
Joseph did not reveal himself to his brothers the first time they came because
he would have them to know that they were entirely at his disposal.
It was entirely up to Joseph whether these men lived
or died. Their lives were in his hands. And he wanted them to know it. They
must be brought to acknowledge his lordship.
the Lord Jesus Christ reveals himself to any sinner’s heart in saving grace, he
fist requires that person to acknowledge his sovereign Lordship. Mercy’s Gate
is his gate!
He opens it to whom he will.
He opens it when
he will.
He opens it only
to those who seek him earnestly.
Unbelief goes away with no answer from God. Unbelief can be spurned. But
faith cannot be silenced. Faith will not let go. Faith will not quit. Faith
will not cease to cry after Christ. Faith is always importunate, imploring,
because it arises from necessity (Lk. 11:5-10).
1. David, the man after God’s own heart, had to cry unto
the Lord continually (Ps. 22:2).
2. Jeremiah, God’s faithful prophet, had to wait before
the Lord in prayer without an answer (Lam.3:8).
3. our dear Savior himself cried three times, “O my Father!”
Faith must have Christ, and will not be satisfied
without him!
III. The only hope these men
had of life was Joseph, so they went to him the second time.
We read the account in Genesis 42-45. The corn which
Joseph had given to his brothers had run out. Only when they were brought to
the point of utter starvation did they return to Joseph. They came to him only
when they had to have him. Finally, in desperation for their lives, they went
to Joseph the second time, “And at the second time Joseph was made known to his
I want,
by the Spirit of God, to persuade you to go to Christ (1 Cor.
You must go to Christ, or you must perish (Gen. 42:1-2).
is only one Door of salvation. And that Door is Christ. Though that Door
remains shut hard before you, you will be a fool if you do not knock until it
opens. Unless the Door is opened to you, you will perish! Do you want Christ?
Then knock until he open to you!
“I’ll go to Jesus, though my sin
Hath like a mountain rose;
I know his courts I’ll enter in,
Whatever may oppose.
Perhaps he will admit my plea,
Perhaps will hear my prayer;
But if I perish, I will pray
And perish only there!
I can but perish if I go;
I am resolved to try;
For if I stay away, I know
I must forever die!
But if I die with mercy sought,
When I the Lord have tried,
This were to die (Delightful thought!)
As sinner never died!”
Go to Christ in hope, because there are many who, having come to him, have found life everlasting.
can tell if God will turn away from his fierce anger, that
we perish not?” (Jon. 3:9).
C. I
implore you, by the mercy of God, that you come to Christ, because he is able,
willing, and anxious to save all who come to God by him.
Yes, I said, “The Lord Jesus Christ is anxious to save
every sinner who comes to him.” “He delighteth in mercy!” Joseph wanted
his brothers badly. He was anxious to reveal himself to them. Even so, Christ
Jesus wants his people badly. His heart longs to be gracious and merciful to
his elect. He longs to reveal himself to those sinners he has purchased with
his blood. And at the appointed time he will. His heart of mercy and grace will
burst itself open upon those who seek him!
IV. When Joseph’s brothers came to him the second
time, Joseph made himself known to them.
When he could no longer restrain himself, “Joseph said
unto his brethren, I am Joseph.” Read the story of Joseph and his brothers
(Gen. 45) carefully, and you will find in it a prophetic picture of what
happens when a sinner comes to Christ.
If the
Spirit of God is now at work in your heart, showing you that everything needed
for your salvation has been done by Christ, if he enables you now to trust
Christ, you will be saved by the grace of God, saved immediately, and saved
forever! And I suspect that your experience will be very much like that of
Joseph’s brothers, when he revealed himself to them.
When Christ makes himself known to you, you will tremble in his presence .(Gen.
John (Rev. 1).; Isaiah (Isa. 6).
B. Then
the Lord will bid you draw near to him (Gen.
Thomas (John
Next, the Lord Jesus Christ, like Joseph, will fall on your neck and smother
you with kisses (Gen. 45:14-15; Lk.
kisses meant:
“All is
“We are
“I love you!” - A
kiss is a symbol of much love, deeply felt.
And Christ will, little by little, explain to you the mind, will, and purpose
of God, for the comfort of your heart (Gen. 45:5, 7; 50:19-20).
seemed not to be able to tell his brothers often enough that everything was
alright, that they were forgiven, that God’s will was accomplished, and that he
had been glorified. Is that not just like our Redeemer?
“Seek the Lord while he may be found, Call ye upon him while he is near.”
1. Those who seek Christ feel their need of him.
2. Those who seek Christ believe him.
3. Those who seek Christ seek him earnestly.
4. Those who seek Christ seek him continually.
5. Those who seek Christ shall find him.
The farmer who lost his wallet in the barn.
Great Error - Farwell Hall, the night of the great fire in
Do not
wait until next Sunday. Do not wait until tonight. Seek the lord now, with all
your heart. Seek him, and you will find him. Bring your Benjamin to Christ now.
Do not delay. “Behold, today is the day of salvation!” Today the Savior calls,
Sinner, for refuge fly: the storm of God’s strict justice falls, eternal death
is night!