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Grace Baptist Church of Danville

January 26, 2020

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Fallen man is totally depraved, utterly corrupt, spiritually dead, and without desire or ability to even acknowledge, let alone change, what he is.


Daily Readings for the Week of January 26-February 2, 2020

Sunday                Exodus 25-27                                   Thursday       Exodus 35-37

      Monday                Exodus 28-29                                   Friday             Exodus 38-40

      Tuesday               Exodus 30-32                                   Saturday                    Leviticus 1-4

      Wednesday         Exodus 33-34                                   Sunday                      Leviticus 5-7


Happy Birthday!  Teresa Coleman-29th   Merle Hart-1st

Nursery Duty Today Celeste Peterson


Let Ransomed Sinners form a Choir Don Fortner

(Tune: #293 — The Lord’s My Shepherd —CM)


1.    Let ransomed sinners form a choir

And sing with one accord!

Our theme the highest note requires, —

Salvation’s of the Lord!


2.    Once sunk in sin, in guilt and shame,

With Adam’s fallen race,

But pardoned in Immanuel’s name,

We’re saved by sov’reign grace.


3.    Objects of God the Father’s love,

Redeemed by God the Son,

Taught by the Spirit from above,

Jehovah’s grace we’ll own.


4.    When unbelief disputes our right,

Close to the cross we’ll cling,

There put our slavish fears to flight,

And God’s salvation sing!


Adam and Christ

1 Corinthians 15:22


Two men represent the whole race before God. The first man, Adam, represented all men in a covenant of works. What Adam did, we all did in Adam. While he stood, we stood. When he fell, we fell. — “In Adam all died.” All who were in Adam died in Adam. The second Man, Christ, the God-man, represented all of God’s elect in a covenant of grace. What he did, all of God’s elect did in him. When he lived in righteousness, we lived. When he died under penalty of the law, we died. When he arose, we arose. In Christ shall all be made alive.” All who are in Christ must forever live.


For whom did Christ die?

Revelation 14:3-4


The objects of redemption, those for whom Christ died, for whom he made atonement by the shedding of his blood, for whom he obtained eternal redemption, are a special and distinct people. The Scriptures declare that they are redeemed from the earth” (Revelation 14:3), from among all the other inhabitants of the earth. As explained in the very next verse, they are “redeemed from among men” (Revelation 14:4).



The inspired writers seem to delight in using the pronoun “us”, when speaking of the death of Christ and our redemption by it. Thus, the objects of redemption are identified as a distinct, particular people called “us.” “Christ died for us.” God “delivered him up for us all.” Christ “gave himself for us.” He did so “that he might redeem us.” The saints around his throne sing unto the Lamb, “Thou hast redeemed us unto God by thy blood.” The Scriptures everywhere teach limited atonement, particular, effectual redemption accomplished and obtained for God’s elect by the sin-atoning death of Christ as our Substitute.

There is not a hint, suggestion, or implication of universal atonement anywhere in the Word of God. Not only does the Bible teach the blessed gospel doctrine of effectual, limited atonement, the Word of God also tells us specifically and clearly who those sinners are for whom Christ died.


Those Loved

The Lord Jesus Christ died for every sinner in this world loved of God with an everlasting love. The objects of Christ’s redemption and the objects of God’s love are the same. Redemption flows from the love of God (John 3:16; Romans 5:8; 1 John 3:16; 4:10). This love from which redemption flows is much more than some imaginary, universal benevolence, and much more than that general kindness shown in providence to all men, as the creatures of God. This is a special and discriminating love. It is the special, saving favor which God bears to his own people alone, as distinct from others. The Lord God declares, “Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.” This is a hard pill for some to swallow. They would rather compromise the character of God and make for themselves a god like themselves (mutable, unfaithful, and untrustworthy) than acknowledge the plainly revealed fact that God’s love, his sovereign purpose of grace, his providence, and all his saving operations are toward his elect alone. I defy anyone who denies this fact to give a sane interpretation of Isaiah 43:3-4.

This special, redeeming love is most highly expressed and clearly revealed by our all glorious Savior. When we see him hanging on the cursed tree, bearing in his own body all the sins of all his people, and suffering all the horrid wrath of almighty God as our Substitute, we begin to understand the meaning of John’s words, “Having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end” (John 13:1). All who are thus loved by Christ were redeemed by Christ. They are “his” people, “his” sheep, “his” church. To say that Christ died for reprobate sinners, who are the objects of his just wrath and contempt, such as Esau, is utter nonsense. Those who say that Christ loved Esau enough to die for him, when Christ himself says, “Esau have I hated”, would make the Son of God a liar! They would rather declare that God is a liar than acknowledge that salvation truly is of the Lord in its entirety!


“He Laid Down His Life for Us.”

1 John 3:16


This is the foundation of our faith, the rock of our salvation, and the hope of our souls. Since Christ has died in the place of his people, they cannot perish. I know that there are men whose minds are so distorted that they can conceive it possible that Christ died for men who in the end will be lost in hell. I am sorry to say that there are men in the pulpits of the church today, whose brains have been so addled by religious tradition and false doctrine that they cannot see that the doctrine they hold is both a preposterous lie and a blasphemous error.

      Their doctrine is this. — Christ dies for a man, and then God punishes that man again. Christ suffers in the sinner’s stead, and then God condemns that sinner after all! It shocks me to even mention such a blasphemy. Were it not so commonly held, I would pass over it with the contempt it deserves. That would be a perversion of justice, a double-cross, and a requirement of double indemnity.

      The doctrine of Scripture is this. — God is just. Christ died in the stead of his people, satisfying God’s justice. And now, because God is just, he will never punish one solitary soul for whom the Savior did shed his blood. Justice will not allow a double payment for the same offense, first at the hands of Christ, and then from me. The idea that Christ was the Substitute and Surety for all men is so inconsistent, both with reason and Holy Scripture, that we are obliged to reject it with abhorrence. We cannot, for the glory and honor of our Savior, let go of the blessed gospel doctrine of particular and effectual redemption. To deny the efficacy of Christ’s substitutionary atonement would be, for me, a total denial of the gospel. And it would rob me of my soul’s greatest comfort.



Turning the Grace of Our God into Lasciviousness”

Jude 4


Against whom does Jude lay this charge? Who is it that turns the grace of God into lasciviousness? Read Jude’s short Epistle again, and you will see that he says nothing to imply that these were men of flagrant immorality, using the grace of God as an excuse and covering for acts of licentiousness. — Those who turn the grace of our God into lasciviousness are those work-mongers and religious legalists who assert that the preaching of absolute free grace, the believer’s absolute freedom from the law and freedom from all possible condemnation, will open the flood gates to sin and lead people to live in decadence. The ungodliness by which Jude tells us they are condemned is their imaginary righteousness, their self-righteousness, by which they deny “the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.” — All who claim a righteousness of their own deny their need of Christ, who is “the Lord our Righteousness.

      Beware of such men and such doctrine. It creeps into churches under the guise of godliness and true holiness; but the Spirit of God here asserts that it is ungodliness. That which turns us away from Christ and teaches us to look to (to trust in) ourselves is ungodliness. If God has, by his grace, put us into union with his dear Son, Jesus Christ is all our Wisdom, all our Righteousness, all our Sanctification, and all our Redemption; and we glory in him alone (1 Corinthians 1:30-31; Philippians 3:3).




The Grace Bulletin


January 26, 2019


Grace Baptist Church of Danville

2734 Old Stanford Road-Danville, Kentucky 40422-9438

Telephone (859) 576-3400 — E-Mail


Donald S. Fortner, Pastor


Schedule of Regular Services



10:00 A.M. Bible Classes

10:30 A.M. Morning Worship Service



7:30 P.M. Mid-Week Worship Service


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Don Fortner








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