If I understand the Word of God correctly, antichrist is not a single man who shall suddenly appear upon the earth in the last day. Antichrist is a system of religion which is opposed to the gospel of God's free and sovereign grace in Christ. It had already begun in John's day (I John 2:18). Our Lord told us that the false religion of antichrist would be such a cunning, crafty deception that were it possible it would deceive the very elect people of God (Matt. 24:24). And the Apostle Paul informed us that, as the end draws near, God will take away his restraining hand, allowing the religion of antichrist to spread throughout the world with signs and lying wonders, "because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness" (II Thess. 2:3-12). Without the least hesitancy or fear of error, I warn you that THE RELIGION OF MODERN FUNDAMENTALISM, FREE-WILLISM, EASY-BELIEVISM, AND DECISIONISM IS THE RELIGION OF ANTICHRIST.

                It is not my desire to stir up strife and division among men. But it is my desire and responsibility to tell you the truth and to warn you of the deceptive delusion of antichrist religion. Love for the honor of God, love for the truth of God, and love for your souls constrains me to speak plainly. Any doctrine that LOWERS THE CHARACTER OF GOD, his total sovereignty, his absolute righteousness, or his strict justice is antichrist. Any doctrine that EXALTS AND HONORS HUMAN FLESH is antichrist. Any doctrine that DEMINISHES OR ADDS TO the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ, his righteousness, his satisfaction, his intercession, or his efficacy, is antichrist. And any doctrine that ATTRIBUTES SALVATION IN ANY MEASURE TO THE WILL OF MAN OR THE WORKS OF MAN is antichrist. All who preach these things are antichrists. All who believe these things are antichrists. All who support these things are antichrist.