Lazarus And Us - A Fivefold Picture

John 11:14



The Lord Jesus came to Bethany to perform the great miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead, that thereby he might show forth the glory of God (11:40). All of our Lord's miracles were designed and performed to teach us spiritual lessons and illustrate to us spiritual truths. In the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead much is to be learned by viewing him as a picture of every regenerate soul in five ways.

     IN HIS CONDITION (11:14) - Lazarus was dead and so were we when God saved us by his grace (Eph. 2:1-4). Lazarus did not come to the Lord. The Lord came to Lazarus. Lazarus did not take the initiative. Christ did. Because Lazarus was dead, if his condition should ever change, it could not be by his doing. His resurrection from the dead was the work of God alone. So it was with us; and so it is with all who shall be saved by the grace of God. "Salvation is of the Lord!"

     IN HIS CALLING (ll:43) - The life-giving call issued by the Son of God at the Bethany Cemetery had two distinct features: (1) It was A PERSONAL CALL. He said, "Lazarus, come forth." Even so, in saving grace the good Shepherd "calleth his own sheep by name." (2) It was AN EFFECTUAL CALL.Lazarus came out of the grave! He was called by an irresistible power. So it is with all who are called of God.They are called by grace that actually causes them to come to Christ (Psa. 65:4).

     IN HIS CONVERSION (11:44) - When Lazarus came out of the grave, he was still wearing graveclothes, with the smell of corruption upon them. With the help of his believing family, he was freed from them, but it took a little time. Conversion begins instantaneously, but it continues throughout this life. The graveclothes of sin, religious tradition, and custom do not drop off. They have to be taken off!

     IN HIS COMMUNION (12:2) - The man who was raised from the dead found his place at the table with Christ. He was not there by bribery or force, but because gratitude and love made him anxious to be with the Lord and his people.

     IN HIS CONFLICT (12:10) - Because Lazarus had been raised from death to life by the Son of God, he was the object of men's hatred and persecution. So, too, all who are born of God must suffer persecution in this world for Christ's sake. There are no exceptions.

Don Fortner