Here I Stand!


            I believe and preach the gospel of God's free and sovereign grace as it is plainly revealed in the Word of God. We place no confidence in the flesh. We believe, trust and worship God in the glory of his sovereign majesty. We rest our souls upon the merits of Christ's righteousness and shed blood, trusting him alone as our all-sufficient Savior. I preach to men an effectual, accomplished redemption.


            Total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace and perseverance of the saints are household words in this house of worship, and they shall be so long as I am pastor here. We will not compromise the gospel!


            I refuse to recognize any man as a gospel preacher who, for whatever reason, refuses to publicly proclaim these basic truths of the gospel. They are vital! The more men oppose these blessed truths, the more they are enraged by them, the more forcefully I intend to preach them. I know no gospel but the gospel of pure, free, sovereign, effectual grace. Here I stand! I cannot do otherwise. The glory of God, the gospel of Christ, and the souls of eternity bound men and women compel me to tell the truth.



Don Fortner



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