gal 05v22-23 Fruit of the Spirit




Galatians 5:22-23


The works of the flesh are many, and they are all evil. But the fruit of the Spirit is one, and it is spiritual. It is not something which the believer performs. Rather it is that which is produced in the believer by the powerful influence of the Spirit of God dwelling in him. The fruit of the Spirit may be manifest to a greater or lesser degree in different believers. It may be more mature in one and less mature in another. But it is the produce of the Holy Spirit in every believer. The fruit of the Spirit is one cluster of grapes; but it yields its sweet wine in three directions.

1.             Toward God there is love, joy, and peace in the heart of every believer. All believers love the Lord. That love causes them to be joyful in him. And love and joy in God causes their hearts to be at peace.

2.             Toward our fellowman the believer's heart attitude is one of longsuffering, gentleness, and goodness. He is patient with the faults and offences of others. He treats them with gentleness and kindness. And he wishes them good. This is brotherly love.

5.             With reference to himself the believer is a man of faith, meekness, and temperance. Not only does he have faith, he is faithful, honest, true, and loyal. To be a man of faith is to be a man of fidelity. In meekness he does not think highly of himself. And in temperance he lives in this world with moderation.

Do you have the Spirit of God? "If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."