"Christ Hath Redeemed Us!"   

Galatians 3:13-14


     Redemption is not something Christ makes possible, or provides, to which man must add his part. It is not something Christ has left undone, which man must complete. Redemption is something which Christ "hath" effectually accomplished for God's elect by his death on the cross.

Hallelujah! `Tis done!'

I'm redeemed by God's Son!

I am saved by the blood of the crucified One!

     THE METHOD OF REDEMPTION WAS SUBSTITUTIONARY SATISFACTION. "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law." How? By "being made a curse for us." Christ took our place on the cross. Our sins were imputed to him. And he was slain in our stead upon the cursed tree. Before God could, in justice, justify guilty sinners, sin must be punished to the full extent of infinite wrath, and put away. And Christ has done it!

     THE PEOPLE REDEEMED ARE ABRAHAM'S SPIRITUAL SEED, GOD'S ELECT, COVENANT PEOPLE. Christ did not redeem all men. It is as foolish to speak of men in hell being redeemed as it would be to speak of them being saved. Christ "redeemed us", those who are redeemed!

     THE RESULT OF CHRIST'S REDEMPTION IS SALVATION BY FAITH. Christ redeemed us for this purpose, "that the blessing of Abraham might come on us", that the blessing of God's grace might be ours, "that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith." Christ's redemptive atonement effectually secured the salvation of God's elect, which we receive through faith. Faith does not justify us. Christ is our Justification. But faith receives it. Faith does not sanctify us. Christ is our Sanctification. But faith receives it. Faith does not redeem us. Christ is our Redemption. But faith receives it. Faith is not the instrument by which salvation is accomplished. Christ is our Salvation. But faith is the channel through which salvation flows into our souls. And this faith is the blood bought gift of Christ to his elect, redeemed people.


Don Fortner