Divine Providence

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."                           (Romans 8:28)


My life is a constant testimony to and verification of the fact that…


“God moves in a mysterious way

His wonders to perform.

He plants His footsteps in the sea,

And rides upon the storm.”


I try to see God’s hand in everything. It is my soul’s delight and satisfaction when I am able to do so. Nothing is of greater comfort to believing hearts than an understanding of and comfortable confidence in the wise, unerring, universal providence of our God.


            Divine providence is the daily, constant sovereign rule of our God over all things for the accomplishment of his eternal purpose of grace in predestination.


Predestination is the sovereign, eternal, immutable, unalterable purpose of God almighty, by which he ordained and ordered, according to his own will and good pleasure, all things which come to pass in time.


            Divine providence is the accomplishment of God’s sovereign will and purpose. Providence is God doing in time what he purposed in eternity. Providence is God sovereignly and absolutely bringing to pass in time what he predestined in eternity. Predestination is God’s plan. Providence is God’s execution of his plan.


            Be sure you understand the doctrine of Holy Scripture with regard to the providence of God. Nothing in the universe happens by luck, chance, fortune, or accident. Everything which comes to pass in time was purposed by our God in eternity, and is brought to pass by his wise, adorable, good providence. Nothing comes to pass in time that God did not purpose in eternity, in sovereign predestination. And nothing comes to pass in time except that which God sovereignly brings to pass in his providence.


            That which God predestinated in eternity and brings to pass in his providence is for the good of his elect and the glory of his name.


            Read the Book of God for yourself and see if that is truth or heresy. What does the Word of God say? “Let God be true, and every man a liar!” (Ps. 76:10; Pro. 16:4, 9, 33; 21:1; Dan. 4:34, 35, 37; Isa. 46:9-11; Rom. 11:33-36).


            Either God is in absolute control of all things or he is not. If he is not in absolute control of all things, then he is not God and does not deserve to be worshipped as God. I fully agree with C.H. Spurgeon who wrote, “There is no middle ground between the absolute sovereignty of God and total atheism.” Believers rejoice to know that God our Father rules everywhere.

Don Fortner