Kisses For Prodigals –

Luke 15:20

In the parable of the prodigal son, our Lord Jesus Christ uses the simplest, most vivid language possible to show us how delightful it is to the God of glory to bestow his superabundant grace to sinners. We are told, “When” the poor prodigal “was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him!" – He kissed him earnestly. He kissed him eagerly. He kissed him ardently. He kissed him much. He kissed him continually. Meditate upon those kisses. I remind you that in this parable, the father’s actions toward his prodigal son beautifully display the boundless, overflowing love of God revealed to sinners who come to him by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. What do these many kisses mean? What do they teach us? They tell us that when a sinner comes home to God by faith in Christ, God welcomes the sinner with all the fulness of his infinite love!

Kisses Of Love

The Father’s kisses mean much love deeply felt and demonstrably expressed (Eph. 3:17-19). These kisses express the great love of our heavenly Father, that eternal, everlasting love that is deeply felt (Language fails me!) in the very heart of God. These kisses speak of the great manifestations of God’s love to the hearts of believing sinners. True love cannot be dormant. Like fire, it must be active. Like water, it must break out. It must show itself in words, actions, deeds, and expressions. Look yonder to Calvary, and behold the love of God for sinners (John 3:16; 1 John 3:16; 4:9-10). Our blessed Savior did not have to die. We had no claims upon him. There was no appeal on our part for him to die. When he died for us, the Lord Jesus knew that if he laid down his life for such sinners as we are he would get no love in return from those for whom he died, except he create it. The Son of God died by the hands of men, as well as for the sake of men. He died for men who wished that he should be made to die, for men who counted him worthy of death. In dying for us, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, voluntarily took upon himself the awful mass of shame and dishonor which we deserve because of sin, and took unto himself an infinite, indescribable, ignominious relation to sin (2 Cor. 5:21). Truly, “we love him because he first loved us!” These kisses of grace are the means by which we perceive God’s personal love for us.

Kisses Of Forgiveness

The Father’s kisses mean full forgiveness, freely bestowed (1 John 1:9; Psa. 103:12; Isa. 43:25). God has promised that he will forgive the sins of those who seek him (Isa. 55:6-7). The Lord Jesus Christ has, by his own precious blood, purchased complete forgiveness of all sin for his people (Eph. 1:3-7; Heb. 9:12). Now, by his warm embrace and tender kisses, our heavenly Father makes believing sinners to know that their many sins are all forgiven forever. His kiss tells me that all my sins are gone (Heb. 9:26). He gives another kiss, and tells me that he will never remember my transgressions (Heb. 8:12). With another kiss, he assures me that he sees no fault in me (Num. 23:21; Jer. 50:20). With another kiss, he tells me that he will never treat me any the less graciously because of my sin (Rom. 8:1; 17).

Don Fortner