"The Lord Of Hosts Hath Purposed, And Who Shall Disannul It?"           

Isaiah 14:27


     The Lord our God has made a full and complete provision in his eternal purpose of grace for the salvation of his elect (II Tim. 1:9). And he has bound himself to the accomplishment of his purposed grace with an oath (Heb. 6:17-20).

     THE BASIS OF THE BELIEVER'S SECURITY AND ASSURANCE IS THE PURPOSE OF GOD.If ever one of God's elect should perish it must be either by their departure from him,or through their being snatched out of his hand, or by God himself casting them off. But none of these things can ever come to pass.God's purpose of grace will not allow it. From eternity God declared that none of his chosen would ever be permitted to depart from him, once he had called them (Jer. 32:40). He has promised that none can pluck us out of his hand (John 10:29), or separate us from his love (Rom. 8:39). And he has promised, in everlasting, covenant mercy, that he will never abandon his own elect, or cast us off (Isa. 54:7). If you now trust the Lord Jesus Christ, be assured, you are secure in him. Your eternal salvation was absolutely secured from eternity by God's infallible purpose of grace!

     WHAT ABOUT THE UNGODLY, THE WICKED, THE REPROBATE, WHO FOREVER SUFFER THE WRATH OF GOD IN HELL? Did God irreversibly predestinate some men and women to hell? Absolutely not! I assert boldly and emphatically that God chose a people from eternity whom he would save, and that his elective purpose can never be altered.With equal boldness and dogmatism, I assert that no one was predestinated, or foreordained, to eternal damnation in hell, except as that eternal damnation is the just and righteous consequence of unbelief (I Pet. 2:7-9). The vessels of wrath are "fitted for destruction" by their own sin and unbelief (Rom. 9:22). But the vessels of mercy God has "afore prepared unto glory" by his bless- ed purpose of grace (Rom. 9:23). God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezek. 33:11). If you are lost, the only cause of your eternal damnation will be your own wilful, obstinate unbelief (Prov. 1:23-33). Be warned, as surely as God purposed the salvation of every believer, it is his purpose to destroy every unbeliever. And he will not rescind his purpose. If you, by unbelief, fit yourself for destruction, God will destroy you!


Don Fortner