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GodÕs Providence and the Remnant

Isaiah 1:9


Everything God does, he does for a remnant Òthe remnant of Jacob.Ó All providence is for Òa remnant.Ó All men benefit from GodÕs goodness to his remnant. Rain and sunshine, plenty and pestilence, drought and darkness, peace and war come upon all men alike. But they come for and belong to the remnant (1 Corinthians 3:21; Psalm 57:2). — ÒAll things are yours!Ó — ÒI will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth [all things] for me.Ó Blessed are they who know and understand Òall the works of the Lord, that he has done for IsraelÓ (Joshua 24:31). They go to Òtheir tents joyful and glad of heart for all the goodness that the Lord had done É for Israel his peopleÓ (1 Kings 8:66). God chose his Israel. God gave the Law for his Israel. God made atonement for his Israel. God called his Israel. God performs all things for his Israel, his elect, Òthe remnant of Jacob!Ó And, to top it all off, he promises to save his Israel (Isaiah 46:13).







Don Fortner








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