When The Fallen
Are Recovered
2 Corinthians 2:7-8
There was a man in the church at
1. "Forgive him" - What a sweet
word this is - "forgive"! Have we not been forgiven much? Then let us
forgive much. Have we not been forgiven freely? Then let us forgive freely.
Have we not been forgiven for Christ's sake? Then let us forgive our erring
brothers and sisters for Christ's sake.
2. "Comfort him" - What? Shall
we immediately comfort a man who has so grievously sinned? Yes, immediately,
"lest he be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow." As soon as the erring
brother returns, receive him as a brother, assure him of God's grace, the
sufficiency of Christ's blood, and your own acceptance of him upon the footing
of grace.
3. "Confirm your love toward
him" - Take him by the hand, embrace him to your bosom and say,
"Welcome home, brother, we have missed you. I hope you know how much we
love you." As the father received the prodigal son,let
Let that person against whom the offence
has been committed be the first to receive again their fallen friends.
"Restore such an one in the spirit of meek- ness;
considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted."
Don Fortner