I Samuel 16:7


            God cares nothing for our outward forms of religion. He has no regard for our religious acts, our religious ceremonies, our religious morality, or our religious works. God looks to the motives, attitudes, and principles of the heart. Our most precise and orderly services and sacrifices, without a true and sincere heart of love and faith in Christ, are abominations in the sight of God (Isa. 66:1-3; Mt. 15:8).

       All those things which we speak of in connection with salvation are matters of the heart, The conviction of sin, repentance, faith in Christ, and the worship of Christ are all works of the heart.

            Remember, "that which is highly esteemed of men is an abomination in the sight of God."(Lk.16:15) God looks on the heart! What kind of heart do you possess? What does God see when he looks on your heart? Do you have a new heart by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit? (Ezek. 11:19; 36:26)

       1. A new heart is a Broken and Contrite heart,
       2. A new heart is a Heart in which Christ Dwells.
       3. A new heart is a Heart of Faith and Love To Christ.
       4. A new heart is a Submissive and Obedient Heart.
       5. A new heart is a True and Sincere Heart.
       6. A new heart is a Heart That Seeks The Glory
               Of Christ Above All Things.
       7. A new heart is a Forgiving and Loving Heart.

          Pharisees and hypocrites are careful to give strict obedience to the outward form of religion, delighting to be seen and applauded by men. But the child of God performs his religious service with a heart to please God. "THE LORD LOOKETH ON THE HEART"